Life Lessons Learned on the Road: Part 1
Learn what travelling and going back home have taught me.
Winter Meditation
Sit down comfortably, both feet on the ground. Take a few deep breaths. Slowly. Put your hands loosely on your lap. Imagine you wake up...
6 Tips on How to Reach Your Goals
When you feel the time is right, no one can stop you. When you have a goal in mind, no one can keep you from achieving it. When you’re...
Veganuary, dry January, this-year-I’m-going-to-do-it-all-different-anuary? Waddup with all those funky-funkier-funkiest New Year’s...
When the world shows you to let things go…
September’s full moon and the fall equinox. It’s not exactly the same day, but I think it’s close enough. Tonight, the full moon will...